Writing about Vaccines

Writing about Vaccines

For my Biohazards column in Salvo Issue 50, I decided to write about vaccines since it was a hot news topic. I’m sure you’re asking the same thing I was asking about three days before the article’s deadline, “Why, Heather, did you decide to write about vaccines?” I...


My recent article in Salvo Issue 49 (by subscription) looks at the book The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt. The book is based on an article by Lukianoff and...
Teen Vaping

Teen Vaping

My Casualty Report for Salvo Issue 48 is on the increase of vaping among teens. I wrote this report just as the FDA was investigating whether Juul, the largest provider of vaping liquids, knowingly targeted teens. Teen vaping had increased so much in the last two...
Casualty Report: Going It Alone

Casualty Report: Going It Alone

Salvo Issue #44 has some great articles on living as a whole person in a broken world. I was particularly impressed with “Suffer These Children: True Confessions of a Guardian ad Litem” by Raymond J. Brown, who serves as a court-appointed special advocate...